Climbing the stairs one step at a time! |
"Leslie, take three baby steps."
I was supposed to reply, "Mother, may I?" When "Mother" gave me permission, I could move forward three baby steps. If I forgot to ask for permission and just began taking the steps, "Mother" would order me to go back to the starting line. That was tough if you had advanced a long way!
The goal was to get to the finish line first. I would long for "Mother" to call out "giant steps" or even "butterfly twirls" because I could really make progress with those.
I am glad to say that I am taking baby steps toward my dream of being healthier. I wish I could say I am taking giant steps, but after the few weeks of fighting a destructive virus, even baby steps are thrilling to me!
Baby step #1: I am walking! And I mean farther than from the couch to the refrigerator. No more couch potato am I. I had started walking (twice!) right before the virus struck but had to give it up when my legs got so weak. This week I walked around the block on two different days.
Okay, so that's no Olympic record, but for me it was progress. Gee, I hate to admit my weakness, but I will just say it up in here--my legs HURT as I walked up the hills in my neighborhood. My heart was sad as I thought about how I used to effortlessly walk "March of Dimes" walk-a-thons when I was a teenager--20 miles up and down "hills and hollers."
What has become of that fit girl? Unh, unh, unh. Lord have mercy.
I was not sore the next day, however. That must mean I could've pushed myself more possibly. I just wish I could've walked every day this week. But sometimes it was raining, and other times I was chauffeuring kids all over the place for games and practices.
My goal this coming week is to walk at least four times--get me a double portion of walking. I guess I'll stick to walking around the block, but I might add an extra foray onto a different street or up the hill to my little outdoor sanctuary behind a local church.
Baby steps just might become "toddler steps."
Baby step #2: I began eating at least one raw fruit a day. Okay, okay--so I generally did that anyway. But there were days I missed back then. Not this week. (Until today--oh dear, oh dear.)
And yes, for all of you health Nazis, I realize that one measly fruit a day is like dropping a pebble in the ocean and hoping for a tidal wave. But give me credit for progress. I am on the road to at least two raw fruits a day. And can you give me some extra credit for adding a glass of fruit juice each day as well (even pulpy orange juice NOT from concentrate)?
Baby step #3: I religiously ate raw vegetables several days. I eat cooked vegetables every day always, but I believe raw ones are better and pack a terrific enzymatic and nutritional punch. I mainly dined on carrots, but cucumbers and broccoli entered the mix as well.
My goal is to eat one green salad each day. I used to do that each day for lunch, but that was then and this is now.
Now I've got to figure out how to eat raw veggies without Hidden Valley Ranch dip. Where there's a will, there's a way, as Ma Ingalls would've said on "Little House on the Prairie."
Baby step #4: I cut way back on my refined sugar intake. NOT A SINGLE CANDY BAR ALL WEEK! Yay! I did allow myself some of the chocolates that the hubster gave me for Valentine's Day because I didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything. :)
The demons this week came in the form of Girl Scout cookies. I had ordered six boxes (I have a bunch of kids--remember?!). The problem was that the hubster, unbeknownst to me, also ordered six boxes. So there was nothing to do but eat about four a day.
Wait! Wait! Before you judge, realize that normally in mid-February, I would be eating double that, until all boxes were empty. I was a relatively good girl (not Scout) this week with regard to forgoing cookies.
Baby step #5: I did not eat a single potato chip all week. Are you listening? I DID NOT EAT A SINGLE POTATO CHIP! That's right--uh huh.
When the temptation hit to partake of those chips that I so love, I made a dash for the baked pita chips with no fat and fewer calories. They were actually pretty good. I can't believe that I am about to admit that I didn't miss my beloved potato chips at all.
Summary: I did not take any giant steps or butterfly twirls, but baby steps will eventually get you to the goal if you don't turn around and head in the opposite direction. I intend to improve even more this coming week.
Goals for the week:
1. Walking around the block at least four days.
2. Eating two raw fruits a day.
3. Eating a salad each weekday for lunch.
4. Staying away from potato chips, bread, and refined sugar
5. Drinking at least six glasses of distilled water per day (I normally do 4-6).
And the hubster bought me five pounds of organic carrots! Guess who's going to make fresh juice?
Baby steps here in Oz, but I am determined to live the dream of nurturing my abused body back to health.
Won't you join me? Tell me what you're doing to be in better health. Maybe you'll inspire me on this dream journey I am taking!
Oh yeah! And have a happy President's Day this week! |